
Ready, Set, Write! by Lyn Saunders

This summer is going to be unlike any summer we’ve ever seen.  There is so much going on in our daily lives, but we’ve got more time on our hands so I can’t think of a better time to write.  I LOVE writing, however, in my twenty years as an educator I have found that it is a passion many of my students lack.  Sadly, most children are exposed to writing in a way that has tainted their view of it.  “Let’s write for fun,” said no one, ever! Yet, writing for fun is exactly what I’m proposing. Writing can bring words alive so that they can dance across your brain, encompass your heart and captivate your soul.  

Math Moments by Jessica Solano

Parents around the nation are finding themselves with a new title: assistant teacher. While some may be thrilled to potentially fulfill a missed calling of being an educator, others, admittedly, may feel a little unsure of how to teach their children, particularly in the area of mathematics.  I’ve found that by seeking out opportunities to have math conversations, cleverly disguised as family dialogue, math seems much less intimidating and so much more applicable.

Keep Looking Up by Kyle Jeter

I began teaching Astronomy in 1997 and have always believed the goal is to not only teach the wonders of the Universe, but to allow students to learn new technologies, collaborate in a work-place like environment, and express their own creativity in the process of doing so. Even with the social distancing and distance learning we are experiencing, it presents an opportunity for us to look up and tap into an interest that your kids may have and that you may  learn together. 

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