What We Do

Impact Florida is focused on improving the quality of classroom instruction. We work toward this goal by supporting educational leaders and teachers with the knowledge and tools they need to ensure that great teaching is consistently in place. We do this in the following ways:


We Connect

No single group of educators can solve the issues of achievement gaps and educational inequities alone. It takes teachers, district leaders, legislators, funders, and community leaders working together and in concert. Connecting practitioners, advocates, and leaders with experts, resources, and data will lead to a more knowledgeable and innovative field of educators focused on the right things for students.

By connecting practitioners, advocates, and leaders with experts, resources, and data, we believe we can contribute to a more knowledgeable, collaborative, and innovative field of educators who are supported in focusing on the right things for students.

We Convene

Aristotle is credited with saying, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” and the wisdom of this observation certainly holds true for educators today. The effectiveness of a group of leaders, each interacting with one another, is different – and can be greater than – their effectiveness when acting in isolation. By convening professional learning opportunities that amplify the best instructional practices found in Florida schools and districts, education leaders will be activated to continually learn and improve alongside one another.


We Catalyze

Impact Florida seeks to inspire commitment among education leaders to use their power to impact systems and classrooms for the better. By building an evidence base and communicating what’s important, Impact Florida will serve as a catalyst for a strong collective of education leaders to act upon a set of shared goals that will transform the education provided to Florida students.


Why We Do It

We do the work we do because we believe that all students deserve education leaders who:

  • Direct resources and action toward supports that drive improvements in student learning
  • Use data effectively to understand and respond to gaps in student learning
  • Adopt and implement high-quality aligned curricular materials
  • Deliver rigorous lessons that are aligned to grade-level expectations

Together, we can help education leaders realize that we are all advocates, and we all must own the impact our decisions have on Florida’s students.

Florida’s educational achievements are on the rise, but the state still has a long way to go in providing quality instruction to all students in all schools. A Vision for Great Teaching in Florida addresses how the status-quo is contributing to the stunting of student achievement and opportunity, and what research points to for solutions.

Districts for Impact is an exciting new initiative focused on sharing and promoting promising instructional leadership practices across districts through a peer-to-peer learning community. Impact Florida, in partnership with FADSS, created the program to help education leaders share and learn about high-impact teaching practices that are bridging the opportunity gap and improving outcomes for all students.
Participants will participate in a series of facilitated Learning Walks, synthesize their learnings from those gatherings, and Impact Florida will publish a summary of insights from each district in a series of papers called Cases for Impact.

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