Impact Florida launches new Learning Cadre for teachers to pilot professional learning based on student feedback

Impact Florida is proud to announce our first Learning Cadre for teachers, specifically designed to improve student experience in math, a critical pathway for college and career success.

The Solving with Students Cadre will pilot an innovative approach to professional learning based on student feedback. Professional learning is one of Impact Florida’s Five Conditions that Support Great Teaching.

Through the cadre, math teachers will use a free, research-based tool called PERTS Elevate to survey their students, learn best practices, and incorporate them in the classroom to improve instruction. The cadre will complete three cycles in the spring semester, and Impact Florida will bring the teachers together to share learnings and build community. Teachers will also have the option to receive additional one-on-one coaching.

“Last year, in response to the COVID-19 school disruptions, Impact Florida worked with leaders from four districts in Florida to try out new approaches to support vulnerable students in math,” said Mandy Clark, President of Impact Florida. “We saw great promise in this work, but we also saw a need to provide teachers with direct support that’s customized to their students’ feedback, so that every student feels like they belong and can succeed in math. That’s why we’re so excited to offer this opportunity to teachers who are ready to focus on their own growth alongside other teacher-leaders across the state.”

Math teachers working with grades 6-12 are invited to apply by December 17th. Teachers can fill out the online application here. Teachers who complete the Cadre experience will receive a $1,500 stipend to compensate them for their time. Answers to frequently asked questions are available here.

The cornerstone of Impact Florida’s work, Learning Cadres bring education leaders together from across the state to pilot innovative practices and learn from each other. Impact Florida then packages and shares those learnings with leaders and partners from around the state to positively impact as many students as possible.

To date, Impact Florida’s learning cadres have primarily served district leaders charged with important district-wide decisions that affect instruction. This cadre is an exciting opportunity to provide direct support to teachers and students in the classroom with the goal of improving student engagement with math. Impact Florida will evaluate and share learnings at the conclusion of the cadre, in partnership with schools, districts, and the state.

About Impact Florida

Impact Florida is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that believes excellent classroom instruction can move the needle for all students. We focus on supporting education leaders and teachers with the knowledge and resources they need to ensure that great teaching and learning is consistently realized in all Florida schools. Learn more at